All tariffs eliminated at end of implementation by at least one Party
Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQ)
Rules of Origin (RoO)
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Change of Tariff Classification Criteria (CTC)
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Regional Value Content Criteria (RVC)
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Other Criteria(s)
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De minimis rules
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Cumulation among Parties
Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS)
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Specifically reaffirms or incorporates WTO SPS Agreement
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Transparency obligations (SPS)
| |
Dispute Settlement not applicable (SPS)
Technical regulations, standards, technical barriers to trade (TBT)
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Specifically reaffirms or incorporates WTO TBT Agreement
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Transparency obligations (TBT)
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Mandatory recognition of conformity assessment results
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Mandatory recognition of technical regulations
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Harmonization/alignement of TBT measures at the bilateral/regional level
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Dispute Settlement not applicable (TBT)
Safeguard Mechanisms (Goods)
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Specifically reaffirms or incorporates WTO Safeguard Agreement
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Exclusion of an RTA party in global safeguard action
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RTA-specific safeguard measures permitted in the transition period or shortly thereafter
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Special safeguard in Agriculture
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Special safeguard in Textiles
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Other Special safeguards
Balance-of-payments measures (Goods)
Anti-Dumping measures
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Specifically reaffirms or incorporates WTO Agreement on Anti-Dumping
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Dispute Settlement not applicable (Anti-Dumping measures)
Countervailing measures
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Specifically reaffirms or incorporates WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing measures
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Dispute Settlement not applicable (Countervailing measures)
Subsidies (Goods)
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Prohibition of agricultural export subsidies
MFN Clause/Preferences extended from other RTAs (Goods)
Sector-specific chapter/section or other legal instrument (Goods)
Denial of benefits
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Negative list (Services)
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Standstill provision (Services)
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Ratchet provision (Services)
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MFN provision (Services)
Rendez-Vous/Review/Evolutionary clause (services)
Investment Liberalization Provisions
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MFN provision (Investment)
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National Treatment with regard to the entry of investment (establishment)
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Investment liberalization
Other Investment Provisions
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Investment Protection
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Investor to State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) included
Provisions on capital transfers
Domestic Regulation