RTA Tracker

N° of RTAs in force: 373

Notifications made pursuant to:

  • GATT Art XXIV: 340
  • GATS Art. V: 210
  • Enabling Clause: 63
Goods notifications Cumulative Number of RTAs in force Services notifications Cumulative Notifications of RTAs in force Accessions to an RTA

Recent RTA Notifications

RTA Name Coverage Date of notification Date of entry into force
EU - Kenya Goods Aug 29 2024 Jul 1 2024
EFTA - Moldova, Republic of Goods & Services Aug 29 2024 Sep 1 2024
China - Serbia Goods Aug 19 2024 Jul 1 2024
China - Ecuador Goods Aug 12 2024 May 1 2024
Canada - Ukraine Goods & Services Jul 12 2024 Jul 1 2024

Recent RTA Notifications of Changes

RTA Name Coverage Date of notification Date of entry into force
EFTA - Serbia Goods Sep 11 2024 Feb 01 2017
EFTA - Serbia Goods Sep 11 2024 Jan 01 2020
EFTA - Serbia Goods Sep 11 2024 Jul 01 2021
EFTA - Serbia Goods Sep 11 2024 Jan 01 2022
Türkiye - Georgia Goods Oct 10 2023 Apr 29 2021