Argentina - Mexico

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Basic InformationWTO Consideration ProcessRTA ProvisionsTrade-related data
Agreement name: Argentina - Mexico
Coverage: Goods Type: Partial Scope Agreement
Status: In Force Notification under: Enabling Clause
Date of signature: 24-Oct-1986 Date of notification: 23-Jul-2019
Date of entry into force: 01-Jan-1987 End of implementation period: 2014
Remarks: Reference LAIA: AAP.CE 6. This Agreement was also notified under the Enabling Clause by LAIA Parties as a change to the LAIA's 1980 Treaty of Montevideo (WT/COMTD/RTA15/N/1/Add.6).
Current signatories: Argentina; Mexico
Original signatories: Argentina; Mexico
RTA Composition: Bilateral
Region: South America; North America
All Parties WTO members? Yes Cross-Regional: Yes
Related agreements
   Latin American Integration Association (LAIA)
Official Web Address
  México, Secretaría de Economía
  Argentina, Ministerio de Economía
Text of the agreement
  Text of the agreement    S
Annexes & related documents
  Annexes    S

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